Download eBooks
A Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – PoSH
All about Intellectual Property Rights
25 Myths about Patents – demystified
All you want to know about PATENTS
Minimising risk of PATENT INFRINGEMENT
New Product Development & Patents

A Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – PoSH
The Sexual Harassment of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, And Redressal) Act, 2013, is an important step towards ensuring not only the safety and mobility of the workforce but also the growth of businesses and, consequently, economies. Apart from simply meeting compliance requirements, it is necessary for workplaces to implement the provisions of the Act diligently to ensure that its objective may be achieved. Furthermore, it is necessary for workplaces to keep evolving their approach towards the prevention of sexual harassment to ensure that they are not implementing an outdated or narrow-minded form of justice. Furthermore, while implementing and using new technologies and platforms to improve growth and performance, organisations must be mindful to ensure that the dangers that may come with them are well taken care of so that growth and profit don’t come at the cost of the employees’ sense of security. Employers must also put in efforts to periodically hold workshops and training programmes to create foundational changes and thus move towards eradicating sexual harassment from its very roots.
This ebook is an effort to explain the various remedies in the Act and address some issues related to women safety at workplace.

All about Intellectual Property Rights
The term Intellectual Property (IP), as the name suggests, means product of the mind or the intellect. In our day-to-day life we come across various forms of Intellectual property such as television, personal computer, microwave oven, refrigerator, vehicles, weighing machine, cereals for breakfast, pasteurized milk in tetra pack, paints and even a design on the bed sheet. Practically, everything that we use is a product of man’s ingenuity, knowledge and skill, besides labor and capital and it falls under some kind of IP that has to be recognized and registered before it could be lawfully commercialized in a given jurisdiction.
This book gives insight into various types of Intellectual Properties .

25 Myths about Patents – demystified
The objective of this book is to demystify some of the common myths that people generally have about the patents. In today’s world where there is lots of emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, the word “patent” has become a buzz word. However, this also led to lots of misconception and myths related to this. Through this book, we have made a humble attempt to unravel the myths and aware readers about the hard facts about patents. Most of the myths listed in the book are based on our interactions with the inventor and queries that they ask during meetings. This book tries to clarify most of such myths with examples and illustrations. We hope everyone would enjoy reading and reap the benefit. We are open to include any further myths/doubts that might arise in your minds while reading the book.

All you want to know about Patents
The objective of this book is to present an insight to different aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The book is a compilation of various articles published by Origiin IP Solutions LLP and aims to provide a clear
understanding of importance of patent search, considerations before filing for a patent, process of patenting, position of software related inventions, career in IPR etc.
Further, the book throws light on the ways innovative companies can extract more out of their R&D efforts, for example by means of observing state of the art, generating patent alerts etc. The book is designed to be easily understandable by novices in IP as well as IP professionals in the industry as well as by the students who would like to explore the area IP. We hope everyone would enjoy reading and reap the benefit.

Minimising risk of PATENT INFRINGEMENT
The objective of this book is to allow readers to comprehend the ways to
reduce patent infringement risks in today’s competitive backdrop.
Freedom to Operate or FTO search is the most effective manner to
reduce patent infringement risks and is to be compulsorily done by
everybody willing to launch a new product in the market.
The book, through examples and case laws, aims to provide a clear
understanding of the importance of patents, rights of patent holders,
types of patent infringements, the devastating effects of patent
infringement litigations and ways to alleviate the chances of being faced
with such litigations. Special care has been made to make the book
simple and straightforward so as to be of use to beginners and
professionals alike. We hope our efforts have been beneficial to you.

New Product Development and Patents
Information available in Patent documents is true wealth of knowledge and after proper due diligence, one can make use of existing patents that are expired, lapsed or abandoned and use them to reduce their R&D efforts to develop a new product. Our book named ‘New Product Development & Patents’ is an effort to list out the ways organizations can make use of existing patents and give right direction to R&D efforts.
In the book, we have tried to stepwise illustrate the meaning of patents, rights of a patent holder and how patents constitute wealth of knowledge, etc. In the later section we have also explained methods to use patents to reduce R&D efforts without infringing patents of third parties. Even though the book provides steps to use the existing patents, it is strongly recommended to consult subject experts before using any third party’s patents.
Special care has been taken to explain the concepts in simple lucid manner. We hope our efforts have been beneficial to you.
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