Origiin IP Solutions LLP (Origiin) launches KITE (Kindle Innovation To Elevate) Program, an initiative to select, mentor and assist companies to optimise the value of their IP & innovation by implementing the right processes, policies and practices in order to bring innovative products in the market and create a sustainable business.
Origiin will select 4 companies (KITE Stars) for the year 2023-2024 and mentor them for a period of one year*.
*Terms & Conditions apply
Nominations for Cohort 1 open till
15th June 2023
Who can apply?
Entrepreneurs, Startups, MSMEs
What do KITE Stars get?

IP Audit
IP Audit to identify protectable IP, implementation of right processes, policies to ensure that IP is created, protected, utilised in best possible manner.
Ideation Workshops
Workshops/Webinars will be organised for R&D teams to generate, screen, validate new ideas to convert them to valuable IP.
Optimization of R&D process
R&D processes can be optimized by exploring ways to use or refer abandoned or expired IP in a safe manner.
Due diligence
This will help to safely launch the products in the market to avoid third party IP infringement
Licensing IP
Out-licensing opportunities of redundant IP
Consultation with mentors
The participants will get the opportunitiy to interact with the mentors on general business matters and seek their advice.
Key takeaways
The KITE Stars get complete guidance to nurture their innovation, transform it into robust intellectual property, and gain a competitive advantage while adhering to sound IP protocols within their organization.
Additionally, this initiative aids KITE Stars in minimizing their R&D period by harnessing publicly available knowledge.

Step by step guidance

REDuced R&d cycle

End to end support
Panel of mentors
- Bindu Sharma, Founder & CEO, Origiin IP Solutions LLP
- Varsha Vasudev, Co-Founder & COO at BuymyEV
- Dr Vishal Rao, Director Head Neck Oncology – Robotic Surgery, HCG Cancer Centre
- Ramani Mani, CEO, Modutec Ready Panels Pvt. Ltd.
*Terms and Conditions
• To evaluate your nomination, Origiin may share your details with the mentors empaneled by Origiin.
• Selection of the companies for Origiin KITE program will be at sole discretion of Origiin and its mentors.
*There is no fee to undergo KITE Program, however if you wish to register any IP (like patent trademark, copyright registration) in India or abroad, you have to bear the cost for the same.