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Patent Agent Exam Training
✓ Study Material available in Kindle, learn at your pace
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✓Complete interpretation of Indian Patent Act 1970 with illustrations, examples and case-laws
✓ Assessment and practice questions at the end of every module
✓ Brilliant success rate year on year

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25 Things to know before preparing for Patent Agent Exam
Indian Patent Agent Exam Training
Origiin offers study material for preparation of Indian Patent Agent Examination. .
The entire study material has been divided into two parts i.e. Module I and Module II
Note: Module 1 and Module 2 are available in Kindle Version only that can be read on any handheld device using Amazon Kindle App. Hard copies have been discontinued.

PAE Module 1
Covers entire portion of Paper 1
- Detailed interpretation of Indian Patent Act, 1970
- Includes all Sections and rules along with case studies and illustrations.
- Exercises for self-evaluation at the end of each chapter
- Explanation of all important terminology provided as foot-notes for easy understanding

PAE Module 2
Covers entire portion of Paper 2
- International Conventions and Treaties
- PCT procedure
- Patent Specification Drafting including claim drafting with examples
- Tips for viva
- Model question papers
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Why Origiin?
The course material provided by Origiin was very useful and effective as it helped me a lot to clear all concepts, Sections and Rules of the Patents Act and boosted my confidence level too.
– Himesh Agarwal, passed Patent Agent exam
Origiin has been pioneers in successfully conducting training sessions to help aspiring candidates qualify the Indian Patent Agent Examination from the year 2010. Our encouraging success rates year on year speak the success story.
Our in-house IP experts have been instrumental in developing a comprehensive study material for the Online Course to prepare for Indian Patent Agent Examination.

Origiin Advantage
The study material has been prepared purely from the examination point of view.
The Sections in the Act have been taken as a base and corresponding Rules have been mentioned at the required places.
The format and sequence of the Chapters and Sections have been maintained so that it is easier for the students to remember the sequence of Sections which is very important for the examination.
The Sections and Rules important for the examination have been labeled so that students can give emphasis to important questions while reading.

Easy to read & Interpret
The Act has been interpreted to easy language for understanding of the concept.
We have tried our best to maintain the original flavour of the actual statue, however, our interpretation may divert from the interpretation done by another person.

Examples and Case Studues
Some of the examples and case-studies in the study material have been taken from “Manual of Patent Practice & Procedures, 2008”, published by Indian Patent Office to give insight into real cases related to assessment of various aspects of patent law by Indian Patent office.
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What our Students say
The material provided by Origiin IP Solutions LLP for preparing for the Indian Patent Agent Examination is more like a handbook that every person who aspires to clear the examination must have. All sections of the patent act are interpreted with real-life examples for better understanding. Not only does the material enable one to ace the patent agent examination but also provides the knowledge that one must have to work in the field of patents. The material is definitely a keeper from the perspective of preparing for the exam and for later reference as well.
“The course material provided by Origiin was very useful and effective as it helped me a lot to clear all concepts, Sections and Rules of the Patents Act and boosted my confidence level too. I enrolled myself for the PAE-online course (tutorials course) only but Bindu invited me to attend the classes too. However, it was not possible for me as I was working in Delhi. I had doubts about clearing the exam without proper training but Bindu encouraged me and helped me a lot during the exam. I have not attended a single class but had discussed all my doubts and previous year papers with her online and on phone which helped me a lot to prepare my best for the exam.
The study materials was very good and in a simple understandable language as after studying them, I did not need to read Patents Act. How useful the study materials was, can be understood from the fact that I cleared the exam inspite of working fulltime in R&D domain. I am really very thankful to Bindu and Origiin team and wish them all the very best for the future.”
“Clearing the Patent Agent Exam would not have been possible without the support from Origiin. As I was working as a full time employee, I did not attend any of the class room sessions but the study material provided by Origiin was excellent. The explanation of the Sections in simple language with illustrations helps a lot. I did not refer any other books or notes for the exam. I was totally dependent on the material from Origiin. Excellent notes and proper guidance from Origiin was the key to my success.”
The study materials was very good and in a simple understandable language as after studying them, I did not need to read Patents Act. How useful the study materials was, can be understood from the fact that I cleared the exam inspite of working fulltime in R&D domain. I am really very thankful to Bindu and Origiin team and wish them all the very best for the future.”
“My experience at the Patent Agent Exam training by Origiin IP Academy was extremely productive. Patent Law was like Greek and Latin to me and I appreciate Bindu’s and Anita’s persistence to make me understand some of the complicated sections word by word after each class. The study material offered ample case studies and examples which helped me to comprehend the subject clearly hence easy to memorize. The Dictionary on Indian Patent Law was useful for my preparation as it contained succinct meaning of the Patent terms. Looking up any word was like a quick revision for me as all the sections where that word had been used were enlisted together.”
“IP has been my guiding light all through since the time I stepped into the field of IPR back in 2011. Bindu Ma’m and Anita Ma’m have been very helpful throughout. They were always there to clarify any doubts that sprung in our minds whether during the session or even after the classes were over. The dictionary and elaborate notes provided by them were extremely helpful for my preparation. Even though there was a gap of 1 year in between but still because of their presentations I could refresh everything so easily. Thank you Origiin for the patent agent exam preparation!”
“I was initially hesitant to join the coaching classes conducted by Origiin for the Patent Agent exam 2011 because of the fact that classes were conducted over the weekends. However, I am so glad that I did join because the classes helped me enormously in clearing the exams with good marks.
Each section of the patents act was explained well by Bindu Sharma and the mock exams helped me a lot too. Question papers of each of the previous year’s exams were discussed along with the strategies to answer and present the answers neatly. Best of all was the session on Viva voce. The reading material provided was great too-explaining each section with examples. The reading material on previous year’s question papers also helped me a lot.
I would personally like to thank Bindu Sharma because she was always ready to answer all my doubts. (P.S: I even called her on the previous day of the exams with doubts). I would be happy to recommend Origiin to anyone who is planning to appear for the Patent Agent Exam.”
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Patent and what does a patent agent do?
A patent is one of the most complex legal documents that is techno-legal in nature. Drafting and prosecution of patent needs technical skills as well as thorough knowledge of patent law. There is a provision in the Patents Act for appointment of a Patent Agent by the inventor/applicant to assist him in filing and other modalities in the Patent Office.
A Patent Agent or a patent attorney is person who has the specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice. A Patent Agent may be appointed by the inventor/ applicant to perform various actions before the patent office on behalf of the applicant and in consultation with him.
The term Patent Agent is used differently in different countries. In some jurisdictions, the terms Patent Agent and patent attorney are interchangeable and used as synonym but in others, the latter is generally used only if the person is qualified as a lawyer and additionally is registered as Patent Agent. This means that a patent attorney can not only practice before Indian Patent Office but also is eligible to practice in the Courts. Some jurisdictions also use the term “patent attorney” to include attorneys, who are not admitted to practice before the Patent Office, but who represent parties in patent litigation and other legal matters. Such attorneys may or may not have technical backgrounds.
An attorney, who is not a Patent Agent, is not admitted to practice before the Patent Office but he may represent parties in patent litigation before Court of law. On the other hand, a Patent Agent may prosecute patent applications but may not be qualified to represent parties in patent litigation. Indian Patent Act, 1970 (Section-132) does not stop an advocate, not being a Patent Agent, from taking part in any hearing before the Controller on behalf of a party who is taking part in any proceeding under the Act.
In India, a person registered to practice before Indian Patent Office (IPO) is called as “Registered Patent Agent” or a “Patent Agent”. Indian Patent Office conducts a qualifying examination for Patent Agent registration twice a year and the candidates qualifying the examination are registered as Patent Agents and are authorized to practice before IPO.
2. Who is a Patent Agent?
According to the Indian Patents Act, 1970, a Patent Agent is a person who has passed Indian Patent Exam and is registered as a Patent Agent. He is authorized to represent applicants before the Controller of Patents in the preparation, filing, and prosecution of patent applications. In order to become a registered Patent Agent in India, an individual must pass the Patent Agent Examination conducted by the Indian Patent Office and register himself/herself as a Patent Agent. Patent Agents in India play an important role in helping inventors, companies, and organizations register patents in India.
3. What is Indian Patent Agent Exam?
The Indian Patent Agent Examination is a written examination conducted by the Indian Patent Office to test the knowledge of individuals who wish to become registered Patent Agents in India. The examination is designed to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge on Indian Patents Act, 1970 and the rules / regulations related to patent practice and procedure in India. Additionally, patent specification drafting and prosecution skills of the candidates are also evaluated.
4. How to apply for the Indian Patent Agent exam?
Procedure for applying online:
- Go to
- Refer the guidelines thoroughly:
- Click on “Registration for Patent/Trade Marks Agent Examination 2023”. The online
application filing system will be available from 03/01/2023 (12:00 noon) to 31/01/2023
(05:30 PM).
- Registration(New Applicant):
- After successful registration, sign in to your account and fill Application Form. Upload scanned copy of coloured photograph, signature in prescribed format, documents of proof of age, citizenship and degree certificate.
- Ensure to have correctly entered all the details before clicking on Final submit.
- Complete the application by paying the fee online through Make Payment.
- Submitted application form and payment details can be viewed any time using Pre-View and Print the Receipt.
5. How often does the Patent Office conduct Indian Patent Agent Exam?
The Indian Patent Office does not conduct the exam at fixed regular intervals. The last two exams were conducted in May 2022 and October 2018. However, notification of the exam comes atleast 2 months prior to the date of the examination.
7. What is the structure of Patent Agent Exam?
The exam structure shall consist of the following papers and marks, namely: –
Paper I (Two Hours) – Patent Act and Rules-100 marks, (Nature: Objective type; Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper II (Three Hours) – Drafting and interpretation of Patent specification and other documents (Nature: Descriptive and Viva-Voce) – 100 marks
Viva-Voce: 50 marks
Total: 250 Marks.
Schedule for Viva-Voce examination is announced after the completion of the written exam. Only those candidates who have scored a minimum of 50% marks in each paper will be allowed to appear for Viva-Voce.
Candidates who are eligible for Viva-Voce shall appear at the designated Patent Office (Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai) opted. Candidates who score an aggregate of 60% from Paper-I, Paper-II and Viva-Voce shall be qualified as Patent Agents.
- A person shall be qualified to have his name entered in the register of Patent Agents if he fulfils the following conditions:
- He is a citizen of India;
- He has completed the age of 21 years;
- He has obtained a degree in science, engineering or technology from any university established under law for the time being in force in the territory of India or possesses such other equivalent qualifications as the Central Government may specify in this behalf, and, in addition:
- Omitted by Act 15 of 2005.
- Has passed the qualifying examination prescribed for the purpose; or
- Has for a total period of not less than ten years, functioned either as an examiner or discharged the functions of the Controller under section 73 or both, but ceased to hold any such capacity at the time of making the application for registration.
9. Where is the examination centre for the Patent Agent Exam?
Examination centre will fall in the city which you selected while filling the form to write exam. Exam will be conducted in some college, about which you will be informed when a hall ticket is issued to you.
10. How to register name in the register of Patent Agents, after clearing the exam?
After passing the Patent Agent Examination, the successful candidate shall request the Controller to register him as Patent Agent in the Register of Patent Agents.
Every person who desires to be registered as a Patent Agent shall make an application in Form-22 [Application for registration of Patent Agent under rule 109 (i) or 112]. This form is required to be filled and sent only after the Patent Agent examination result has been declared and the person is declared as successful (pass).
The applicant shall furnish the additional information required by the Controller such as attested copy of degree certificate or character certificate. A person desirous to appear in the qualifying examination [Rule 110, Particulars of the qualifying examination for Patent Agents], shall make a request to the Controller along with the fee of 1600 INR after the announcement of Patent Agent examination within the period specified in the announcement.
11. What are rights of a Patent Agent?
A Patent Agent in India is authorized to represent individuals and organizations in matters related to obtaining and enforcing patents. Every Patent Agent whose name is entered in the register shall be entitled:
(a) To practice before the Controller during prosecution process such as at the time of opposition to the grant of patent, he can practice before the Controller; and
(b) To prepare all documents, transact all business and discharge such other functions [such as filing of patent, sending request for early publication or examination, reply to examination report, paying renewal fee etc.] as may be prescribed in connection with any proceeding before the Controller under this Act.
12. Can an advocate write the Patent Agent Exam?
Yes, an advocate is eligible to write the Indian Patent Agent Exam if he/she has graduation degree in science. Advocates with BA, LLB or BCom LLB degree are not eligible to write exam. However an advocate, without being a Patent Agent can represent clients in the Court of law in patent litigations.
13. What is a Register of Patent Agents?
The Controller shall maintain a register, called “Register of Patent Agents” in which the names, addresses, phone number, fax number, email id and other relevant particulars of all persons qualified to be registered as Patent Agent shall be entered under Section-126 [Qualifications for registration as Patent Agents]. Controller may keep the register of Patent Agents in computer floppies, diskettes or any other electronic form and safeguards appropriately. The names and addresses of persons registered as Patent Agents shall from time to time be published.
14. Can name of a Patent Agent be removed from the register of Patent Agents?
The Controller may remove of any person from the register of Patent Agent under certain circumstances.
- The Controller may remove the name of any person from the register when he is satisfied, after giving that person a reasonable opportunity of being heard and further inquiry:
- i) That his name has been entered in the register by error on account of misrepresentation or suppression of material fact;
- ii) That he has been convicted of any offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment or has been guilty of misconduct in his professional capacity which in the opinion of the Controller renders him unfit to be kept in the register.
- The Controller may on application and on sufficient cause being shown, restore to the register the name of any person removed.
The Controller may, on application and on sufficient cause being shown, restore the name in the register of Patent Agent.
- An application for the restoration of the name in the register of Patent Agents shall be made in Form-23[1] [On application for restoration of the name of a person in the register of Patent Agents under rule 117 (1)] within 2 months from the date of such removal.
- If the name of a person is restored to the register of Patent Agents, his name shall be continued for a period of one year from the date on which his last annual fee became due.
- The restoration of a name to the register of Patent Agents shall be communicated to the Patent Agent and also published on the official website.
[1] Fee payable is 800 INR (continuation under entry number 34).
15. After registering as a Patent Agent, is there any renewal fee to be paid to maintain the name in the register of patent agents?
Yes, renewal fee shall be paid at the rate of 800 INR per annum in case of on-line filing and INR 880 in case of physical filing.
16. Can the Controller refuse to work with any specific Patent Agent?
In connection with the patent application (s) filed by the Patent Agent, there may be several communications between the Patent Agent and the Controller. However, the Controller may refuse to deal with certain Patent Agents under specific circumstances.
- The Controller may refuse to recognize as agent in respect of any business:
- Any individual whose name has been removed from the register and not restored.
- Any person who has been convicted of an offence under Section-123 [Practice by non-registered Patent Agents].
- Any person who is not registered as a Patent Agent but is engaged wholly or mainly in acting as agent in applying for patents in India or elsewhere in the name or for the benefit of the person by whom he is employed.
- any company or firm, if any person whom the Controller could refuse to recognize as agent in respect of any business under this Act, is acting as a director or manager of the company or is a partner in the firm.
- The Controller shall refuse to recognize as agent in respect of any business, any person who neither resides nor has a place of business in India.
17. What are career prospects for a Patent Agent?
A career as a Patent Agent can be both challenging and rewarding. The career prospects for a Patent Agent are diverse and can include:
- Working in a law firm, where they handle patent-related matters for clients in a wide range of industries.
- Patent Agents can also work in-house at companies, where they handle patent-related matters for the company and its affiliates.
- Patent Agents can also work in government agencies, such as the Indian Patent Office, where they handle patent-related matters and advise on policy.
- Patent Agents can also go into teaching and research on intellectual property laws, patent laws and related fields.
- Patent Agents with enough experience and clients can start their own practice and serve as independent practitioners.
18. Are there any restrictions on practice as Patent Agents?
No person shall practice as a Patent Agent or call himself a registered Patent Agent, if he is not registered in the Register of Patent Agent.
- No person either alone or in partnership with any other person, shall practice, describe or hold himself out as a Patent Agent, or permit himself to be so described or held out, unless he is registered as a Patent Agent or he and all his partners are registered.
- No company or other body corporate shall practice, describe itself or hold itself out as Patent Agents or permit itself to be so described or held out.
Practice as a Patent Agent includes any of the following acts, namely:
- Applying for or obtaining patents in India or elsewhere;
- Preparing specifications or other documents for the purposes of this Act or of the patent law of any other country;
- Giving advice other than of a scientific or technical nature as to the validity of patents or their infringement.
19. Is it necessary to engage a registered Patent Agent for filing an application for patent?
It is not necessary under the patent law to engage a registered Patent Agent for filing an application for patent. The applicant is free to file an application by himself or through the Patent Agent. However, an applicant who is not a resident of India is required to file either through the registered Patent Agent or must give an address for service in India.
20. Does the Patent Office help to select a patent attorney or agent to make patent search or to prepare and prosecute patent application?
No, Patent Office does not make any recommendations regarding selection of a Patent Agent. However, a list of Patent Agents is maintained by the office. This list can also be viewed at Patent Office website. The applicant is free to appoint any Patent Agent from the said list.
21. Does the patent office ascertain fees charged by the Patent Agents for their services?
No. This is a discussion between the Patent Agent and the applicant. The fee a Patent Agent charges is not determined by the Patent Office. However, the Patent Office has engaged the facilitators to help start-ups submit patent applications and has set a cap on the amount of fee reimbursement that can be paid to the facilitators under the SIPP scheme. You can view the specifics of the programme at
22. What is difference between Patent Agent and Patent Attorney?
The term patent agent is used differently in different countries. In some jurisdictions, the terms patent agent and patent attorney are interchangeable and used as synonym but in others, the latter is generally used only if the person is qualified as a lawyer and additionally is registered as patent agent. This means that a patent attorney can not only practice before Indian Patent Office but also is eligible to practice in the Courts. Some jurisdictions also use the term “patent attorney” to include attorneys, who are not admitted to practice before the Patent Office, but who represent parties in patent litigation and other legal matters. Such attorneys may or may not have technical backgrounds.
23. Can a Patent Agent file trademark or design applications?
A Patent Agent can not file a trademark application on behalf of his clients. However, an Advocate or a registered trademark agent is authorised to file trademark applications. A Patent Agent is authorised to represent his client to file and prosecute Design applications in India.
24. Can a Patent Agent file PCT applications?
Certainly, a Patent Agent who is registered in India, can file and prosecute PCT applications on behalf of its clients.
25. How do I start preparing for the Patent Agent Exam?
Paper 1
- Buy a copy of Indian Patents Act 1970 (Bare Act)
- Get familiar with important terms used in the Act
- Start reading The Patents Act thoroughly including all the amendments and refer Patent Manual published by Indian Patent Office.
- Keep marking important Sections and Rules. Interpret the difference and co-ordination between the sections and the rules.
- Analysis of each and every section and their interpretation is important.
- Correlate each rule with a respective section.
- Read the updated annexure for the forms and fees.
- Go through recent case-laws to understand the subject in detail. You may expect case-law based questions during Viva.
The Study Material Provided by Origiin includes all of the above plus Complete interpretation of Indian patent act, each and every section/rule available as PAE Module 1.
Important Tip
- While answering questions from Paper 1, it is advisable to mention appropriate rules, sections, forms, fee etc. This will help you fetch more marks.
- Map appropriate rules with the sections.
- Solve previous year question papers and identify frequently asked questions.
Paper 2
- Learn about all the treaties and conventions with respect to Patent law and other forms of Intellectual Property like PCT, Budapest treaty, Paris convention, Madrid convention, CDB, GATT, WTO etc).
- Understand basic concept of drafting patent specifications including claims. Understand the process and procedures of PCT.
Module 2 offered by Origiin contains PCT in detail, IP conventions, patent drafting, tips to viva question, FAQs.
Important Tip
- Download some patents from free platforms and understand anatomy and construction of patent specifications.
- Practice drafting patent specifications including the claims.
- Visit official website of WIPO and understand PCT process and procedures and don’t miss out fee structure applicable.
- Solve previous year question papers and identify frequently asked questions.
- Learn to manage time well especially in case of patent specification drafting questions.
26. Please suggest some books or study material to prepare for the Patent Agent Exam.
Module 1 and Module 2 offered by Origiin IP Solutions are more than sufficient to prepare for the Patent Agent Exam
Additional reading:
- Indian Patents Act 1970
- Manual of Patent practice and procedures
- Official website of WIPO to know about PCT process and procedures.
- Recent case laws
How can Origiin Help me to prepare for the Patent Agent Exam
Origiin is a Bangalore based legal and IP firm handling work in the area of Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Design, Contracts & Policies, IP Licensing and mergers/acqusition of the companies. Origiin has been training candidates to clear Indian Patent Agent Exam since 2009 and we have brillint content prepared by practicing patent agents and attorneys.
Printed Study material (Edition 8.0)
Module 1: Complete interpretation of Indian patent act, each and every section/rule: Click here to buy.
Module 2: How to start preparations, PCT, IP conventions, patent drafting, tips to viva question, FAQ: Click here to buy.
Online course in Udemy
Module 1: Patent Act and Rules,
Module 2: Patent Spec Drafting,
Download eBook